Here’s a demo of a simple technique to fill out fields in a Word document. This looks like it would work well if you need to do some type of programmatic mail merge that goes beyond what you can do simply by using Word and Excel. Unfortunately it looks like it is dependent on Windows to run the .exe file.
Space Cadets Television Show
In 2005 British television aired a reality show called Space Cadets. The show put out ads for “thrill seekers” and then ran them through a process to identify the most gullible individuals with the least knowledge of spaceflight, science or (it would seem) any form of common sense.
The individuals were told they were going to be part of the first reality space tourist television show. They were flown to Russia and launched into space and spent five days aboard the Space Shuttle.
In reality they were flown over the ocean for several hours and landed right back in England where they were surrounded by actors pretending to be Russians. They spent their space time in a mockup of the Space Shuttle that was used in the movies Armageddon and Space Cowboys. The shuttle was set inside a simulator showing views of earth.
After five days they were to go on a space walk at which point the hoax was revealed and the door opened up into the studio where their family and friends were waiting.
Obviously the simulator wasn’t able to recreate weightlessness so they were told that they were in a very low orbit where they had only 70% gravity, but the Space Shuttle had gravity generators that made up for the other 30%. Actually any object in orbit is going be weightless because orbiting is simply falling fast enough that you never hit the ground. (The ground curves away before you hit it.)
From the clips I’ve seen, the producers seemed to have pulled it off incredibly well. They put a lot of effort into the simulator in making it as realistic as possible–well other than actually being weightless. In one scene before they were “launched” they were interviewed by members of the press. However, to make sure no one was caught smiling, the “press” all had to wear face masks presumably to keep them from spreading germs to the cadets.
The show’s selection process along with the actors playing the pilots and even a planted “cadet” who was in on the hoax helped insure that their suspicious were minimized.
Another show that used a similar technique of duping the participants was Superstar USA. With a format and style similar to American Idol, it attempted to find the worst singers possible while telling them that they were talented.
On Demand Computing
I have limited bandwidth at my house. I’ve been experimenting using cloud computing when I need a faster connection to the internet. This week I’ve been using RackSpace’s Cloud infrastructure to bring up Windows based machines, connect to them using RDP and move files around. For example, I needed to download a 600Mb ISO and then use it to update a VMWare server. The Windows machine I brought up allowed me to do this work quickly and on a much higher speed connection than anything I could possibly get at my house. The cost was about $0.16 for two hours worth of work.
OpenBTS is software will let a standard GSM phone connect and place outgoing calls over Asterisk (an open source voip PBX). They set it up at Burning Man and people were able to place outgoing phone calls. I think there might be a way to use this in your house so you can place outgoing calls without incurring minutes from your cell phone provider. Their might be a problem with the spectrum license, but if it were low power enough, I think it would probably be legal because there are products like the Air Rave that will do this already.
OpenBTS is being used on the small island of Niue. With less than 2,000 residents, cellular companies aren’t interested in putting in service so they are doing it themselves. OpenBTS is also looking for ways to deploy to rural areas. Their goal is to make it possible to provide cell phone service for around $1 per phone per month.
Hudson EC2
Hudson is a continuous integration server that will watch a source code repository and automatically build and test the code whenever it is updated. There is an interesting plugin that lets it integrate with Amazon EC2. If you need more server resources to build and test the software, Hudson will simply bring a new instance up on Amazon, use it and then shut it down.
Since the actual source code in a project is typically not going to require much bandwidth to move around, this would work a lot better than trying to use EC2 for other on demand applications–like video rendering that are both processor and bandwidth intensive.