Taxing Tuition

Pittsburg has decided that since they are projected to go over budget, they should start taxing tuition.  Their logic is that students aren’t paying taxes, but they use city services.  I would assume that these students pay quite a bit in sales tax, but the city thinks they need more.  While the tax isn’t ridiculously high–it looks like it will be up to about $400 per year–it still seems a bit odd to me.

I think there is a fundamental problem when governments reaction to budget shortfalls is to look for ways to collect more taxes.  The proper response would be to try to become more efficient or reduce spending.  Looking for more ways to take people’s money doesn’t really serve their constituents.

I’m not saying that governments are always just trying to take money away from the people in their domain, but I think you will be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks they are being governed by an organization known for its efficiency and wise spending habits.

Snow Leopard Exchange Support

Snow Leopard Exchange support isn’t quite as good as it looks.  The email works well, but contacts show up in their own separate folder.  You can’t sync them to your normally contacts on your mac.  This means you can’t sync them with Mobile Me and they often are available in other programs that use your address book.  Calendar support works the same way.

It is a step forward, but not quite what a lot of people were expecting.  Still the mail working well is a great thing.  In the past messages would disappear and reappear when connected to an Exchange server and that doesn’t seem to be a problem with this version.

Don’t Teach Her That!

We were driving home from Kansas City and Haley mentioned she needed to make a phone call. Our two year old then asked…

Katy: Who you gonna call?
Mark: Ghostbusters!
Haley: Don’t teach her that!

Free with Wired Magazine

So if you subscribe to WIRED magazine what do you get for free?  A wireless mouse of course.  In other news, Field & Stream is giving away chunks of asphalt and Scientific American is giving away dowser rods.