
A friend posted this on Facebook:

[Name] does not like shots but she does like the nice ladies who give the shots and take care of you when react to them.

I thought she was talking about alcohol and didn’t realize my error until I read the other comments.I thought the “nice ladies” were the bartenders.

Google Apps Premier SLA

The paid version of Google Apps includes a service level agreement that guarantees that the applications will be up 99.9% of the time.  It works like this: If you are down for more than 0.01% of the time, they will add some days to the end of your contract–if you ask for it. The maximum amount you can get in a month is 15 days for 5% downtime.

5% downtime translates into about 36 hours.  So if the service is down for more than 1.5 days each month, you’ll get an extra half a month.  If the service is down for that long ever month and you ask for the credit, your contract will last 50% longer.

So basically if you are down for 100% of the time, you’ll only get an extra 15 days of service.  Of course they are unlikely to be down for that long, but it does point out that the SLA really isn’t something that costs them anything to offer. That doesn’t mean it is a bad idea.  The guarantee helps establish expectations and so far Google seems to do a reasonable job of meeting those expectations.

Computers and Education

It turns out that giving kids computers can make them to worse in school instead of better.  This effect is particularly noticeable in low income families. Computers don’t have any type of intrinsic educational value.  In families where computer use is not monitored and guided, a home PC and Internet access appears to cause lower test scores.

Google Analytics Referrers

Google Analytics is very useful, but it doesn’t have the ability to show you the exact referrer visitors are coming from.  The downside of this is that sometimes you can get a huge influx of traffic from a large site like Yahoo and still have no idea where the traffic is coming from.  Because of this it is recommended that you have some other type of logging enabled.  At the minimum, access to raw log files will let you go in and see the specific page that is sending you traffic.

Internet is Dead

The artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince says the Internet is dead.  So he is distributing physical CDs by letting a British newspaper send them along their papers for one day. His reasoning?  Digital technology fills your head with numbers so it can’t be good for you.  I’m not sure he understands how CDs actually work…