Elections and Sense

In response to my suggestion on Facebook that people should be required to work 20 hours per week for local government community service projects in order to receive unemployment benefits:

I think Mark’s idea makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately you can’t win elections by saying things that make sense.

Government In Your Backyard

A town in New York is using Google Earth to take a look in people’s back yards to see if they have swimming pools without the proper license. Of course they could have done the same thing for years with a plane or with ariel photographs, but the ease of using Google Earth is making some people feel a bit like they are being spied on.

Blackberry Torch

The Blackberry Torch looks like a nice form factor for a phone. I like the idea of a larger screen, but I’m not willing to give up a real keyboard to get it.  This looks like the best of both worlds.  Unfortunately it is only going to be available for AT&T at first. It looks like this is mainly aimed at getting a phone to compete with the iPhone.

Here are a couple of the hardware highlights:

  1. 5 Megapixel camera
  2. Slideout QWERTY keyboard
  3. Wifi
  4. GPS

Not only is the Blackberry Torch phone new, but the operating system is new as well.  It sounds like it will be pushed out to other phones in the future, but the curve line of phones doesn’t appear to be on the compatibility list.  This seems a little odd considering that the track pad version of the curve is something like a year old.

The operating system on the Blackberry Torch seems to be targeted at “social functions” (like everything these days). The browser looks much more like what is on the iPhone and similar to what Opera is like on current Blackberries.  It allows for the multi-touch style UI where you can pinch and unpinch to zoom.

In Trouble Now

Haley just called down the stairs:

We are in trouble now!  He just figured out how to crawl.

Our 9 month old can now go forward in addition to backwards.