So you don’t like the TSA…

A bunch of people are upset about the new scanners the TSA is using and upset about the new “enhanced” pat downs.  I can understand.  After reading a bit about both of them, it doesn’t sound like something I’d like to run my family through. However, the suggestions I’m seeing for how to deal with it are ridiculous. Right now a bunch of people are planning on opting out of the x-ray machines the day before Thanksgiving which is going to create a huge travel nightmare.  This might get some media attention, but it is going to take something that is moderately inconvenient and make it very inconvenient for a whole lot of people.

I don’t see how this approach is going to get the TSA to suddenly change their mind about things. It isn’t like the slow down is going to greatly inconvenience them–or at least not the people who actually make decisions for the TSA. Maybe the media attention with prompt changes, but that still seems like a round about way to try to create change.

If you really want to see changes made to the way TSA is treating people, there are three things you need to do.

1. Talk to your congress person

Let your representatives and senators know what you think and what you’d like to see changed. These are the people making the laws.  They are only going to know what you want if you tell them. Complaining to your friends doesn’t count–your congress person doesn’t hear that.

2. Write the airlines

What if you could hire someone with lots of resources to take your concerns and try to get laws and procedures changed? Well you can and it won’t cost you anything. Airlines have a very big interest in getting you to fly. I don’t think most of them care what TSA does as long as people keep flying.  However, if they feel they are losing money, they are going to start pitching a fit, hiring lobbyists, and doing whatever else they can to get the procedures changed.

Write them a polite short letter saying that you were planning on flying somewhere and decided not to because of the new security procedures. Remember, it isn’t their fault, but let them know they are losing customers because of this.

Letters carry disproportional weight in most businesses. I have seen businesses go out of their way to change things based on a single letter. There is something about a physical piece of mail that makes companies take it much more seriously than a phone call and just a few letters can make a big impact.  It might not happen right away, but imagine this: After a poor quarter the CEO asks his team, “why are sales down?” and someone answers, “well, we have all these letters from people saying they don’t want to fly with the new security procedures.”

3. Write the airport

Airports are competing for business too and although most aren’t going to have the resources of an airline, they are still worth contacting. If you don’t want to walk through the x-ray machines, write a letter to airports that use the machine letting them know that you are using a different airport to avoid the machines.

Charles Rangel

According to Charles Rangel, he has spent $2,000,000 of campaign funds to defend against charges that he violated ethics rules.  Now he says he is out of money and his lawyers have dropped him.  He walked out of the panel hearings saying he doesn’t have a lawyer and isn’t being treated fairly.

The funny thing is, when you ask “what is the worse that can happen” it doesn’t seem that bad for him.  If he is found guilty he probably won’t get booted from the House.  He’ll probably just get a public reprimand.  This may be why he can’t afford a lawyer.  The consequences are low enough that he doesn’t want to spend any of his own money on it.  Now that he has exhausted the money others have given him he feels he is “broke” or at least broke when it comes to spending money to avoid a reprimand.  I have a feeling that if he were defending himself from going to prison, he might be able to find the money or perhaps well that vacation property he has been accused of not paying income taxes on.

It would seem that this would be a pretty easy thing to look at the facts and see if he violated the rules or not. I think he’d save face by simply working with the committee to try to get things over with as quickly as possible instead of drawing things out and spending all of this money on it.  It seems he’d benefit from having less media exposure instead of more.

Tapeworm on State Seal

Here is a crazy ballot initiative being voted on in Washington State:

This measure would require the Seal of the State of Washington to be changed to depict a vignette of a tapeworm dressed in a three piece suit attached to the lower intestine of a taxpayer shown as the central figure. The seal would be required to be encircled with the following words: “Committed to sucking the life blood out of each and every tax payer.” The illustration would be selected from submissions submitted by taxpayers. (source)

How would you vote on that initiative? :)

Starcraft and Genetic Algorithms

I read an interesting article about using genetic algorithms to find the optimal first steps for Starcraft 2 gameplay. Starcraft is a bit like chess in that the first few minutes of play can usually be done in a prescribed order. In chess this is known as your opening moves. In Starcraft this is known as the build order.

You can find the code posted here. It uses JGAP which is something I’ve fiddled around with before as part of the genetic algorithms used in Robocode.

Eclipse Multi User Plugin Management

I am working on writing the curriculum for a class on Java Programming. I want it to scale and I want to be able to focus on writing code–not fiddling around with the tools. I don’t want it to turn into a big tech support nightmare to try to figure out why this student can’t seem to get the JUnit to run and why another can’t seem to see the GIT plugin in Eclipse.

To accomplish that I’m going to run Eclipse on a server and give students access through X2Go. They can run Eclipse on their local machine, but it is up to them to support their own setup if they aren’t working on the server. To make this work I needed a way to make sure everyone was using the same set of plugins in Eclipse. The “dropins” folder does what I need.

If you install Eclipse through apt-get on Ubuntu, it will create a folder of /usr/share/eclipse under that folder is the plugin folder, etc. However, there is no dropins folder. You have to create it manually at /usr/share/eclipse/dropins. This folder is checked by Eclipse when it starts up and the plugins put in that folder are loaded and installed into the users’s environment. This means you can easily manage what plugins each user has installed without touching each user’s home directory.

If a user installs a plugin from Eclipse, it gets installed in /home/[username]/.eclipse/[version]/plugins/. If you set things up with plugins in the /usr/share/eclipse/dropins folder, their personal plugins directory can be completely empty.

The best way I’ve found for setting this up is to create a fresh user that has nothing in their personal plugins directory. Have that user launch Eclipse and then use Eclipse to install any plugins you want to add for everyone. Once they are added, close eclipse and move everything that is in /home/[username]/.eclipse/[version]/plugins/ to /usr/share/eclipse/dropins. This will make sure you get all the dependencies you need to make things run.

If you need to troubleshoot how things are being loaded from /usr/share/eclipse/dropins, look in the workspace that is being launched. It will be in something like /home/[username]/workspace/.metadata/.log